
Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) systems are effective at both heating and cooling your commercial building. They can adapt to all conditions and help to make your commercial property a comfortable environment for employees and visitors. Not only are they effective at keeping this comfortable environment, but they are also cost effective and highly energy efficient, so you can make sure your business is helping to protect the environment. Find out why you should consider installing MVHR systems at your business premises and the multiple benefits it can have.


MVHRs can ensure that a constant comfortable environment is maintained throughout your building all year round. You can set your system to a temperature of your choosing so that it can convert stale air into fresh air that you, your employees, and visitors can enjoy. Whether you require heating in winter or cool air in summer, an MVHR system can adapt to your preferences. This can create a more productive work environment, as your employees will be able to focus more in comfortable temperatures.

Energy efficiency

MVHR systems are popular for their energy efficiency. Because they take in air from both inside and outside your building, they only use minimal energy to heat it. They are able to transfer the heat from this used air into fresh air, meaning that it can be pumped into your building at a temperature of your choice. The capability to make use of used air makes MVHRs some of the most energy efficient heating and cooling systems on the market.

Reduced costs

Because of the efficient way in which they operate, MVHR systems have some of the lowest running costs for heating and cooling devices. Rather than having to continuously produce heat to warm your building, using heat which already exists means they require minimal energy to run. With a similar amount of energy consumption as a low-energy light bulb, you can run an MVHR system for as little as £30 per year.

Air quality

An MVHR system ensures there is a consistent supply of fresh air entering your building and creates a healthy environment for your employees and any visitors. Poor ventilation can result in bacteria thriving and the air within your workplace being dangerous to breathe in. This can result in illness, fatigue, and headaches if your employees spend a prolonged period of time in this environment. An MVHR system ensures this stale air is removed and replaced with fresh air to maintain a constant healthy climate.

Building regulations

Not only is air quality important for the general health of your employees, but it is also a legal requirement according to building regulations. You must also meet regulations in terms of energy efficiency, and an MVHR system will help ensure that you are in line with all legislation. You will avoid potential fines or penalties by keeping your office properly ventilated and energy efficient.

If you want to arrange the installation of an MVHR system at your commercial building, contact us at JP Air Conditioning. We can provide high quality installation of MVHRs and other renewable energy systems. Speak to our team to discuss domestic or commercial installation. Call us now on 0208 333 1191 or email