air conditioning Office

With the opportunity to return to the workplace slowly approaching, you should take the time now to ensure that everything is in working order. After a year of working remotely, deserted office appliances may find themselves a little rusty or, in the case of an air conditioning unit, dusty. Ensure the most efficient use of your air conditioner by following these simple steps for safe preparation.

Clear your external condenser

Since being absent from the workplace since March 2020, you will need to assess your external unit and clear the condenser of any debris whilst checking it over for any signs of damage. A build-up of debris, from loose shrubbery to dust will result in a faulted system or less efficient system.

Change your filters

We may sound like a parrot, but having your air filters changed by a professional really is important to achieve the optimum working efficiency of your air conditioning unit. Sitting dormant for an extended period of time, within an office which has been doing nothing but collecting dust, your filters are bound to have collected some also and this will need to be removed to allow clean airflow to circulate. At JP Air Conditioning, we carry out filter replacements within our service package.

Clear your vents

Your vents will require a deep spring clean to remove excess dust or debris which has made home within your unit over the last year. You can do this by use of a brush or handheld vacuum, or can request that a professional assesses the unit and completes a deep clean, ensuring a safe working system.

Adjust your timer

After a year out of action, it is likely that your timer or controller will require a re-calibration. Programmable timers will also require an adjustment to reflect with the warmer weather we are soon to endure following spring.

Request for specialist maintenance

Specialist maintenance will be of high importance for the return to work. You will want to supply your employees with cleanest air, as well as ensuring that your unit is working with maximum efficiency and no faults. Our expert engineers will carry out thorough inspections and tests on your unit, as well as supplying it with comprehensive cleans, ensuring that it is as ready for the re-opining of the office as you are!

At JP Air Conditioning, our team are on hand to offer specialist services and cleans for your air conditioning units, providing them with the safest re-start and supplying your employees with the cleanest airflow. Get in touch with a member of our team by calling 020 8131 9038 or emailing