If you are looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, you may think that air conditioning will have a negative impact on your carbon footprint, but this is no longer always the case. With recent advancements in air conditioning technology, major manufacturers are increasingly finding ways to develop HVAC units that consume significantly less energy and offer ways for you to closely control your air conditioner so that it is only operating when you need it most. You will see multiple benefits from eco-friendly air conditioning in your home, that means you can minimise the impact it will have on your carbon footprint.

How is air conditioning eco-friendly?

There are different factors which affect how eco-friendly your air conditioning system is, including:

Adjustable thermostat

Having a thermostat in your home will allow you to closely control temperature and will help you to make sure that no energy is wasted when having your air conditioning on. You can program your thermostat or control it via your smartphone to make sure that your air conditioning is only on when you need it most. You can set it so that air conditioning is only switched on when someone is in the room or so that it comes on a few minutes before you get home. These options allow you to make sure your property is a comfortable temperature without the AC being left on the whole time. You can reap all the benefits of your AC whilst cutting your energy consumption at the same time.

Regular maintenance

Optimising your air conditioning to be as eco-friendly as possible can be achieved with regular maintenance. This is important to check over all the important components of your system, making sure they are working properly and there are no refrigerant leaks or faulty parts. Identifying anything that is not working correctly will mean it can be rectified as soon as possible and reduce the amount of energy being wasted. You should have servicing or maintenance booked in with a qualified engineer on a yearly basis.

Heat pumps

A more energy efficient alternative to air conditioning that has emerged in recent years are renewable energy systems, such as air source and ground source heat pumps. They operate by taking in air or energy from the ground and converting it to cold or warm air depending on your requirements. These systems have an A+++ energy efficiency rating and, despite initial installation costs, you can expect them to drastically reduce energy consumption in your home in the long term. They consume five times less energy than standard air conditioning, making them a worthwhile investment.

How can eco-friendly air conditioning benefit your home?

Not only can eco-friendly air conditioning reduce energy consumption in your home and save you on your energy bills, you can also see a number of other benefits from an eco-friendly system. You can expect your unit to be more reliable and long-lasting, due to the fact that it will be well maintained and fully serviced. Modern air conditioning units will help reduce your carbon footprint, due to the way you are able to control usage more easily and set timers so that they are switched off when not in use. This helps make your home more eco-friendly.

If you feel that a modern air conditioning unit or heat pump could benefit your home and you are interested in arranging installation, contact our fully qualified engineers at JP Air Conditioning. We can talk you through the options available and help you to decide which option is best for your property. Call 0208 333 1191 or email info@jpaircon.com to speak to our team.