What to consider when designing a new HVAC system

Whether you are redesigning your existing space or starting from scratch, getting your HVAC specifications right from the outset will not only ensure that you get the right system for your needs, but can also save you from potential issues later on. This month’s article offers a quick guide to the top things to keep in mind when specifying a new or upgraded HVAC system for your business.

Comfort cooling and heating

A critical element of your system should be the comfort of your staff and customers. If your staff are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, they will be more productive and spend less time layering up or down and finding innovative ways to get the right temperature; if they are blocking vents or opening windows it will mess with the system’s thermostat resulting in an inefficient system. Consider whether you are more likely to need heating over cooling, or vice versa, or whether you expect to need them on an equal basis.

Air quality control

Whatever your business, indoor air quality is an important consideration. Offices will have ozone and other pollutants that are released from photocopiers and printers while industrial spaces such as warehouses and factories may have more complex chemicals to deal with such as volatile organic compounds from paints and solvents. Your HVAC system needs to be able to handle the size of space you have as well as the types of pollutants encountered within it.


A critical component of any HVAC system, the ductwork must be appropriate to the system you are installing. If you are upgrading your HVAC system you may need to upgrade your ductwork too. For new-builds you may want to consider making an allowance for future growth or upgrades to avoid any costly changes at a later date. If you are dealing with particular chemicals or are in an area that suffers from poor outdoor air quality, the design of your ductwork and location of air ingress and flues may need to be customised.

Maintenance requirements

Every HVAC system will require regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently and well. Check how often you will need to change filters or run a full service – this can vary depending on the manufacturer’s warranty – as these will form part of your monthly and annual maintenance bills.


As with any large expenditure, cost is an important consideration. Maximise efficiency while minimising cost by using an experienced HVAC specialist who can ensure that your system is energy and cost efficient while meeting your specifications. It is worth making a good investment in an HVAC system that is at the top of your budget, particularly if you have plans to expand your business in the near future.

For advice and guidance on designing the right HVAC system for your business get in touch with our team at JP Air Conditioning. With a wealth of experience in design, installation, and maintenance we are just a phone call or email away from getting the right system for you on 02083331191 or info@jpaircon.com.