
Throughout the year, our air conditioning units are heavily relied upon to keep us at a comfortable temperature whilst conditioning the air around us. To ensure that they continue to work at their optimum, we must do our part and commit to the maintenance that our units require. Let’s take a look at what we can do.

Regularly examine and clean the filters

The filters inside of our air conditioning units are one of the most dependable factors to ensure that working condition remains tip-top. Over a continued usage of your unit, the filters can become clogged with dust or other debris circulating within the air and can obstruct the way, causing the efficiency of your unit to decrease significantly whilst possibly carrying this debris into the evaporator coil. A regular examination and clean of the filters will ensure that the air remains effectively conditioned whilst the internal components remain clean and in good health.

Regularly examine and clean the evaporator coil

As previously mentioned, clogged or dirty filters can result in a negative effect on the evaporator coil, but even if these filters are regularly maintained and cleaned, over time, the coil will still find itself gathering dust and debris from the air. A build up of these materials will reduce the airflow of your unit and insulate the coil itself, resulting in your unit overheating and working inefficiently. We would recommend an annual clean of your coil, no matter how clean the filters may be, to ensure the highest working condition of your air conditioning unit.

Get a professional service and clean twice a year

As much as you can try to prevent damage from occurring at home, air conditioning units often require expert assistance to ensure that they continue to work efficiently over the years. We would recommend two services per year, especially through the warranty period to further preserve the warranty itself.

Arranging for professional maintenance will ensure that the following actions are taken correctly with both your internal and external units:

Internal units

  • The operational sequencing between your fan coil unit and controller is observed and amended if required
  • All filters are inspected, removed and thoroughly cleaned
  • Fan coil units, coils and drip trays are inspected
  • The rotation of your fan coil unit and fan motor currents are correct
  • All mains power, interconnecting controls and external control cable connections are secure and grime free
  • If required, a clean of sump tanks, a test of the pumps and efficiency check of vinyl drain lines should be carried out

External units

  • Inspection for wear and tear throughout the unit
  • Removal of debris from the condensing unit coil and fins
  • Pressure gauges are secured to condensing units, allowing pressures to be observed and adjusted if required
  • The rotational direction of the condensing unit fan and motor currents are correct
  • The voltage being utilised is assessed
  • All mains power, interconnecting controls and external control cable connections are secure and grime free

Once the service is complete, your engineer should provide you with a full written analysis report, signed by the engineer themselves, before updating the f-Gas register with details of the leak test and any other required information.

If you require further information about the maintenance required for your air conditioning unit, or to arrange for a visit from one of our expert JP Air Conditioning engineers to carry out a service or repair, get in touch with us today. Call us on 020 8131 9038 or drop us an email at and we will be happy to assist you.