JPAirConditioning LoadingVan

The Global COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way in which the world works every day. With so much uncertainty, we would like to reassure you of the steps that we are taking to continue to provide our services in the safest, most responsible way. The health and well-being of our clients and staff is our highest priority and we have put in place a number of appropriate measures to keep everyone safe.

The changes that you can expect from us include:

Virtual site surveys and meetings.

We now hold most of our meetings with you via video calling apps, such as Facetime, Zoom or WhatsApp. This limits the amount of contact we will have with each other, further enhancing our safety whilst still providing the correct information and supporting you with continued service. These video calls will allow us to discuss the majority of things that we would usually cover during a meeting.

However, we are mindful that to facilitate this distanced contact, we may rely on you to support us with collection of information and measurements so that we can best assess the point at which the equipment would appear most effective. Of course, if you are unsure of which room this would be, or of the best placement within a room, then we will happily walk you through everything via our video call. We may also require an in-depth virtual tour of the main rooms within your premises.

Face to face meetings.

If preferred – and essential – we are still able to meet with you face to face but this will be under the government’s guidelines and be undertaken from a distance of anything over two metres. This way, we are able to demonstrate how our units operate and feel, such as our Panasonic Etherea with built in NanoeX air system, or collect accurate dimensions of your premises efficiently, as well as observe the piping throughout the building. We also carry out other health and safety precautions during these meetings, such as regular handwashing, the use and safe disposal of PPE and consistent sanitation of the areas we use.

Face to face meetings do allow us to generate more accurate costings when it comes to the usage of materials and sizing of the units, but they are not essential. Our team are specialists in the installation of air conditioning units and so can help you just as effectively via videocall, it may just take a little longer.

We are continuing to install air conditioning units upon your request. This will ensure that they are fitted in time for the warmer months. Due to the downtime of business in this sector, there could also be a few good financial deals that could reduce the overall cost of the installation of your unit.

If you have any questions on anything else that we may have altered during this time, please do get in touch with us where we will be happy to reassure you or any concerns that you may have. Contact our specialist team by calling 02083331191 or emailing